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Desk keys

Desk keys

To order a key, you need the lock brand and key number. The brand is also important because the same number can exist across several brands although the keys are different.

If you still have an original working key, but want an extra copy, you will find the key number and usually a brand designation on the key itself.

The different brands are listed on the left of the page and you click on the brand that applies. The different key series within this brand will then appear. You can then select the series in which the key number falls and this will take you to the next page where you can enter the required key number and then place the order. The order is only final when the payment has actually been made and confirmed by e-mail.

If you no longer have the original key, in most cases there is also a key number on the lock itself.

By providing a photo of the entrance of the lock, we can often find out the brand of the lock, then along with the number on the lock we can advise you which brand and associated series you should order.

Finally, there is also the option to send us a lock and we will make a key for you.

If you think you have made the right choice, but you are still a bit uncertain, add a photo of the entrance to the lock with the key order and indicate "photo attachment" in the reference field. When the order is processed, it is checked whether the correct series has been ordered and, if necessary, the order can be adjusted with the same pricing.

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